Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What Really Grinds My Gears

I got the idea for this topic from a Family Guy episode. Peter did a regular spot on the evening news called, "What Really Grinds My Gears". It was a ranting spot and if you've seen it, is hilarious.

As I read today's Tribune-Democrat it got me thinking of something that grinds my gears. A few years ago when Pittsburgh hosted the MLB All Star Game my wife and I bought season tickets to the Pirates. It was a 2-year commitment that allowed us the 'opportunity' to purchase All Star Game tickets. That season, I paid close attention to the "local" coverage of the Pirates. Of course, the Tribune sent their Sports Editor Eric Knopsnyder to Opening Day and then he never went to another game that season as a reporter (I say that because 'maybe' he went as a fan; but I would doubt it) until; you guessed it...the All Star Game.

I wrote a letter to the editor that year and got a response from them saying that they don't publish letters that talked "about" or was "directed at" another individual. My letter referred to the Tribune's Sports Editor. I never named names. But the funny part is that if you read the Letters to the Editor, nearly 4 times a week letters about or toward other people are published. It makes me laugh.

Now, in this economic downturn, the Tribune-Democrat has once again outdone themselves and I can't say I'm surprised. Mr. Knopsnyder is in Tampa to cover the Super Bowl. It's hilarious that this podunk town has sent a live reporter to cover the game. With 24/7 media options available and with no less than two Pittsburgh papers (all of which have excellent websites) having representatives there, I see no reason why anyone would want to read the junk that is coming out of Tampa in the form of our very own reporter. Whoopie whoop. The same Tribune-Democrat that recently laid off employees is paying to send someone to the game. All season long, their coverage of all major sports teams relies heavily on AP stories.

The time for newspapers is running out. But in Johnstown, PA, that time is a lot closer than some think. Soon, only major metropolitan areas will have a full-time newspaper and the last I checked Johnstown doesn't qualify. And worse yet, they are their own worst enemy.

That's what grinds my gears.

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