Sunday, February 1, 2009

Back on the Ice

Truth be told, I've been on the ice for the better part of a couple of weeks. Only then did I have a shovel or broom or salt bucket in my hands. Not a whistle. But against my better judgment I decided that yesterday was the day to go back to officiating. As late as Friday morning I wasn't sure if it was a good idea (see previous post). But as the day wore on my foot felt a bit better. I decided that perhaps skating is what I need.

I stayed out of trouble and away from flying pucks. I was nervous and at times a little timid in the corners, but got through it unscathed. The foot did get a little sore during the game and this morning it is a bit sore again, but I have jumped one of the hurdles to recovery. I'm not totally back in action. That won't happen in my mind until I can get a normal training run in of 3 miles. I'm a bit closer to possibly attempting a run again, but I have no idea when. I suppose I'll know in my mind.

For now, I'll work a few games. My next one will be 1,500. A milestone that I thought I was eclipsing back in November. But 86 days went by before I could get in 1,499. Now that it's in the books I'm confident that game will happen Monday night. Despite a slew of available games, I'm going to be selective the rest of the season and have not considered myself back to form by any stretch.

If anything, yesterday gives me a tiny slither of hope that possibly the Pittsburgh Marathon or Half-Marathon is still within reach. Today is the opening of registration for Chicago. I think I'll hold off on that one for now, but my focus is on October and Chicago more than it is Pittsburgh right now. And for good reason.


Tim said...

Welcome back to the ice can have all my games for the rest of the season....I'm tired of it as usual by this time of year.


Vince said...

I'm actually being very selective wiht what I'm going to work the rest of the way. The "powers that be" want me to work districts and nationals, but my heart isn't in it. I'm just happy to be skating a little and want to get through the final month with no further issues. My foot is getting stronger, but what a friggin' nightmare of an injury. I thought the marathon was the toughest mental thing I've ever done. Not even close. The past 3 months made a marathon seem easy.