Saturday, January 10, 2009

Something Old and New

Well, so much for the road to recovery. Once again I feel as though I've jinxed myself. Despite getting better, the foot continues to give me issues. I called the doctor on Monday and complained a little, which prompted another scheduled MRI, which took place on Thursday. Now I try to relax the weekend with my follow-up appointment scheduled for Monday. I'm beginning to think that perhaps a trip to Pittsburgh is in order for some real medical advice. I hate to be that way, but I'm just not sure what's going on and I feel a second opinion could be in order. I'll wait to hear what I'm going to hear Monday before deciding, but it looks like my near future includes more rest and time. Not what I want, but this thing has a mind all of its own.

I'm also facing a grim reality that perhaps hockey season should be over for me. I mean, what am I rushing back to? Screaming parents, coaches and kids who have no respect for authority? On the surface, this is an easy decision to make. Unfortunately for me, I still love the game and love being on the ice. I'm leaning toward bagging the rest of the season, but I'll wait and see what Monday provides me in terms of insight.

I'm also leaning toward not talking about this injury on this blog anymore. I'm a superstitious person and every time I've written that things seem to be going better, things take another turn. But then what do I write about? A running blog without running is like a cooking blog without food, a pet blog with no animals. Perhaps I can come up with random thoughts. Perhaps I can temporarily change this "running" blog into a "ranting" blog. I think I'd like to try something different, but I guess I need to figure out what that is. For now, I'm going silent. When there is anything to report, I'll report it. I'll return to running, but I sense it's not gonna be anytime soon. I'm beginning to think that the Pittsburgh Marathon is in serious jeaopardy. I mean, training should start on Tuesday. That ain't happenin'. The final last day I can start and be ready will be mid-February. I suppose there's a chance, but I'm not banking on it.

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