Wednesday, November 5, 2008

X-Rays Negative

After messing around with a severely bruised foot for a week, I decided it was time to put my mind at ease one way or the other. I headed to the doctor and got my foot x-rayed. They came back negative and I was told that rest is what I need. It was suggested that I take it easy for two more weeks. Being the impatient person that I am I'm still holding out hope that I can have myself rested, healed and ready for the Richmond Marathon which now looms just a touch over nine days away.

I can't help but think of all the weeks of training and miles that went into preparing for this race and now it seems as though I'm lying to myself that it's even a possibility. This morning I asked aloud if I was in fact lying to myself. Are all the signs pointing to backing out? Probably. But I've pushed my official decision off until this Saturday. Why? I have no idea. I suppose putting off the inevitable. It also gives me a few more days to maybe try and get out on the road and run a little bit.

My plan was to do that after work on Wednesday. We'll see how that goes. Even though I kind of know what the answer is. I should probably listen to the medical professionals. But I'm not built that way. The x-rays were negative. But negative in more ways than one.


Tim said...

just got caught up on your blog...first off sorry to hear about the loss of your dog Vee. Secondly, sorry to hear about your injury....I know that is a real tough pill to swallow. I hope you are able to run (and skate) without pain soon....I know it's a hard decision you are facing but all you can do is be honest with yourself.


Vince said...


Did 4 miles on the treadmill last night. Foot is very sore today. I think I'm forced to back out of the marathon. I've kind of come to grips with that. No way I'm driving that far if I can't go at 100%. Reality is setting in.

Thanks for the kind words for Vee. She was a doll.