Sunday, November 16, 2008

Getting Ahead of Myself

That's what I get for posting that things were going well. The next day after my last post I got back to frustration. This injury has been by far, the worst I've had in years. It just doesn't want to seem to get better. Even though I've been staying off of it and doing the right thing it kind of has a mind of its own.

Still, without getting too encouraged, today is a good day. The pain is still there, but I know I'm not near getting back to running or skating. But we'll see.

I've scheduled an appointment with the foot specialist tomorrow and will know more (I hope) upon returning. If I can't damage it any further I'm tempted to skate this week. I hate to give up too many games, but I also need to be smart. Asking myself which is more important to me, I'd have to say my running is more important to me than refereeing. That was an eye opener.

And speaking of eye opener, this injury has taught me how quickly things can change and so I have decided to invest in a face shield. I couldn't help but think how horrible it had been if this same puck had hit me in the eye. I suppose I'm getting a little older and wiser. The shield will be here tomorrow, so I've worked my last game without one (game #1,498).

And finally, yesterday was the day I was supposed to run Richmond. I thought about it throughout the day and while riding the bike yesterday I decided after getting in the hour I had planned on riding it that I would go an extra 1.2 miles since I was close and did 26.2 miles on the bike in an hour and four minutes. Still, I hate the bike and hope I can say goodbye to it very soon.

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