Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Holding Pattern

My bout with platar fasciitis is by far the most frustrating injury I've ever had. It has forced me to deal with the prospect of not running for longer than I have since I began running in 2002. As the days tick away, it feels as though I have made the right decision to hold off from running another week. In the long run, I have embraced the opportunity to rest. But rest I have not done.

Several weeks ago, I spoke with a friend who told me he had purchased the P90X program ( - there is my FIRST shameless plug online. Nevertheless, I had seen the infomercials before and after speaking with him decided that since my weightlifting had stagnated and given way to more running, it might be the home fitness program I had been looking for. Incorporating a lot of additional helpful cardio and even yoga on top of the lifting aspect seemed like something that could only make me a stronger runner in the long-run (no pun intended).

I wondered how I would do both the P90 and run my normal schedule. Ironically enough, the last two weeks has been the ideal time for me to begin the program and get up to speed while waiting out my foot.

It has turned out to be a godsend. Not only am I getting more fit, it almost feels as though I haven't stopped running. My wind is good, and in strange ways, even though there is more difficult foot movements (especially on the plyometrics), it has helped my foot.

With any luck, I will be running again next week, and I believe that although I will be doing more, it should help me in the long run to be more flexible and add to my running ability. Perhaps it will be P90X that will get me to Boston.

NOTE: If you happen to read this and decide to check it out, I must tell you that you have to be in some kind of good shape before beginning this program. It is not for beginners.

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