Monday, May 28, 2007

A Day of Remembrance

Memorial Day. A day to remember the lives lost of those who fought to preserve the freedoms we all take for granted.

Since this is a running blog, I took a break today to think about those who gave the ultimate sacrifice and I am thankful. For it is those men and women who allow me and others like me the freedom to run when and where I want to.

As I ran yesterday (3 miles by the way), I thought of places in this world where a 3 mile run would be dangerous and where I would be taking my life into my own hands. But I live in a nice neighborhood and I have the ability to roam at will.

Thank you to all the men and women who gave so much for so many. I for one, do not take it for granted. Today is a day of thanks. And a day to remember. Memorial Day.

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