Monday, May 21, 2007

The Good, Bad and Ugly

The Good:
I don't think my ankle has a hairline fracture. After self-treating and avoiding running for the best part of the last two weeks, it appears that it is working. I am walking up and down stairs again and despite my unbelievable impatience I have been biking on the stationary and doing what I can to stay active while I continue to wait.

The Bad:
After seeing the Physician's Assistant this morning, I am on a different anti-inflammatory. Apparently over-the-counter medications can help, but are not as effective as stronger prescription strength anti-inflammatoy drugs. I have a hard time believing that myself, but who knows?

The Ugly:
Today's appointment was nothing short of a travesty. I self-treat and basically self-diagnose myself and patiently await my opportunity to get in and see a medical professional. When I finally get in and am asked what the problem seems to be, I tell my story. Fully expecting a "thorough" examination with a possibility of x-rays to rule out a stress fracture, what I ended up getting was a short exam over my sock and without ever taking my shoes off. The entire time spent in the lobby was three times as long as the actual time spent in the examination room. What I did get was a prescription for an anti-inflammatory that is typically used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and a follow-up appointment in 4 weeks. I was also told to take off from running for two more weeks.

Inevitably, I was never told that it was or was not tendinitis. I was also not told it wasn't broken. I wasn't told anything. So I leave with the same questions I had going into the appointment.

I have improved greatly and despite attempting to run yesterday (got a mile and a half in of light jogging), I realize that I could use a few more days off. In addition, I believe that in another couple of days I'll be fine. As I write this tonight (Monday, 5/21) I am at about 95%. Nearly pain free and experiencing none of the symptoms that had me truly worried just one week ago.

Lesson learned: Take control of your own treatment, especially in the doctor-deprived state of Pennsylvania.

NOTE: I did file a formal complaint with the office manager and was given the chance to go back free of charge and see the actual Doctor this coming Wednesday. I'm probably going to take the appointment even though I don't think I need it or that it will help at all. What's right is right though. I would rather hear my diagnosis from a true professional.

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