Sunday, May 13, 2007

It Comes With the Territory

I have been blessed since I started running. I began my running quest back in 2002. In five years of running and training and racing, I have experienced a lot of the things that runners typically go through. The first race. The first 10k, the first marathon. But I've also experienced some of the mistakes and issues that runners experience as well. I remember my first bout of "tendinitis". This lovely term can be used for any part of your body where tendons are located and that can be injured as a result of over training or stupidity as I like to call it.

I remember having Achilles tendinitis. I had a wicked bout with that and then a bout with plantar fasciatis. I remember my first back issues, and as I've documented so well here my piriformis issues.

Amazingly I was able to get to the starting line last Sunday and amazingly got through the marathon. All the while setting a new PR by over thirteen minutes. I wrote about a slight calf cramp that came on twice during the race. What I didn't write about was the cramp that came on as I was walking back to the hotel afterwards. As the week has gone on; post-marathon, I wonder if it was a cramp. I wonder now if it was a tendon again. I have had issues with my right ankle (on the inside) and now 7 days later, I am battling issues with it.

For now, my running has stopped. I don't know when I can start again. And as is my usual rule, I will call tomorrow and try to arrange an appointment with the Doc for as soon as I can get in. I want to start running again, but I'd prefer to keep walking pain free. What do I think it is? Tendinitis, stress fracture. Those are my two thoughts. Obviously, the tendinitis would be nice. Ahhh, the wonders of running. I suppose this IS part of it. Now I will try to recoup and get back on the roads as soon as I can. In the meantime, it's biking and swimming. Anything but sitting around. I'm going nuts here.

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