Thursday, May 3, 2007

Uh, oh!

Sixteen weeks. Minimal problems. Few sore muscles. Couple of bad days running. Minor stuff. Until Sunday.

As I made my final preparation and headed into my final week of preparation, a pain entered into the equation that I've had before. I had it the day after my first marathon. I've had it occasionally since then, but nothing like this. Nothing this bad and nothing that hung around this long.

Piriformis. I've heard about it. Read about it, and even experienced pain in it before this week, but the concern is real this time. It's hung around at varying degrees since Sunday and it's now Thursday. I've got three days to figure this out.

I've tried my 1800 mg of Rx Motrin. Icy Hot. Whirlpools. Ice. Massage. Nothing.

I've got real concerns. Sometimes I even wonder if I'll be able to get to the starting line. There is no way I'm not making it to Cincinnati. But a part of me wonders what kind of shape I'll be in come Sunday morning (less than 72 hours from now). And worse yet. What condition will I be in on Sunday night or Monday morning?

In an earlier post I talked about all the things that can go wrong and wipe out all the preparation and training. I am concerned. Very concerned......

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