Tuesday, July 31, 2007

And Away We Guuuuhhh....

So Philadelphia training started this morning and after a few months of anticipation there was excitement I haven't felt for awhile. Wanting to put aside the issues surrounding Cincinnati and the struggles shortly after, I was anxious to get going.

Monday afternoon as I walked around at work I felt a slight "twinge" in my left plantar fasciatis. Not painful, but just a "twinge" that I would describe more as an ache than anything.

Not wanting to take the first day of training off, I decided to head out and give it a try. A few twinges gave way to normal running and I felt pretty confident even though I knew it wasn't the best idea. The plan was to do a 4 miler according to my schedule. Halfway through the run, I decided to cut it to 3 and not take any more of a risk than I needed to.

When I made the last turn and headed up the final hill to the house, the twinge began hitting with every foot stroke. Needless to say, beginning training was not the smartest thing to do. Back to ice, rolling a tennis ball on my foot and now, taking Thursday off. Saturday is a toss up. Perhaps the toughest thing during training is being patient when you need to be. It might be tougher when it's the first week. Thank God it's not October.

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