Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Good 'Ol ART

Finally decided to go see my chiropractor tonight for some ART Therapy (Active Release Therapy). He has never NOT been able to fix any ailment I've gone to him with. I am encouraged because he feels that my knee issues can be taken care of quickly and that it's most likely from my favoring my foot (go figure).

So tomorrow morning I am back at it. I ran Sunday, but it was the only day I've run in the past two weeks after going several weeks without missing a day. I'm still pretty sure I shouldn't do the half-marathon next Sunday, but I haven't decided yet.

My entire focus right now needs to be on getting ready for Chicago and that's how I'm proceeding. I'm also nearing a decision on whether or not to return to officiating in the fall, but I'm holding off for a little while yet before making it an official (oh, yea, pun intended) decision. I want to make sure I'm not reacting.

For now, the return to normal continues. I can't help but think that the last time I truly felt good was in October. But tomorrow is another day and another opportunity for me to work my way back. The long and winding road.....

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