Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Slogging Along

Although pleased to be consistently running again, it has reached the point that I feel like I'm "slogging" along. With 60 days to go, there is much work to be accomplished yet. But while there is so much to get through, patience needs to be the virtue for the moment.

Hockey season has started again and I must be careful in all aspects of my training. Still struggling with a bit of a back pain due to my P90X workouts has led me to the conclusion that I must temporarily suspend completing that 90 day program and focus on getting my back better, while running towards Philadelphia.

With hockey in full swing in a few weeks, I should have plenty going on and can do various P90X workouts as I feel up to them. I will go back to that program and start anew once I get through Philly.

Sounds like a plan...

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