Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend

A pair of shoes. The staple in the runner's arsenal. The difference that a good pair of shoes can make is unmeasurable. For me, it's the insoles that make the difference. You can pretty much put my insole combination into any shoe and I'll make it work. But at the end of the day, it's the shoe that leaves it's mark. I won't be saving any insoles or planning my marathon clothing around the color of my insoles. The shoes, however. Well, that's a different story altogether. I have saved every pair of shoes I've worn in the nearly 7,000 miles I've run. Some have been moved into the role of grass-cutting yard shoes. Others have simply been tossed into the plastic bin that graces the top of the dresser in my basement. None have ever been thrown out. The runner and his shoes form a kind of connection and a bond that is hard to explain. And like bonds made between friends or the bonds between men and women; runner's shoes and their owners can form bonds as well. Until this week only one pair of my former running shoes made it into my personal "hall of fame". Those were the pair of Brooks Adrenaline GTS 7's. My "hall of fame" of course is in my attic with the countless awards and medals and racing bibs I've won and run in over the years. The Brooks made it up there along with my former football jerseys, trophies, photo albums and newspaper articles clipped from the various editions in which my names has graced the pages. This week, I added a second pair of shoes. The ones you see above. The Asics Gel 2140's. I ran 496 miles in them. But it was the 26.2 last October that put them in the "hall of fame". Those will be the shoes I will always look back on as the ones that ran me to Boston. Part of me thought about saving them for the actual Boston race, and I might be able to be convinced of doing so. But a part of me feels as though they should stand alone. I'll add another pair of them after I run Boston. I bought an identical pair for that very reason. Still, I am torn. But I do know that these shoes have a history that got them to the attic. Whether they stay there or make the trip to Massachusetts is unknown. But one thing is for certain. They hold a special place in my heart and always will no matter what happens.

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