Saturday, December 6, 2008

A See-Saw Recovery

One day I'm up. One day I'm down. It is the reality of where I am right now. It's all about numbers for me at this point:
  • 16 days until my follow-up appointment
  • 17 days since I was put in a boot
  • 40 days since the injury happened
  • 1 maddening day after another

I get encouraged by the smallest signs of healing, but at the same time I get discouraged easily by the smallest signs of not recovering fast enough. I don't know what the future holds. None of us do. But it is all of that uncertainty that I cannot handle the most. So I try to take it day by day and do the right things. It's hard to know what that is though.

I am severely disappointed in the medical community. They didn't do this to me, but with all I've learned since being properly diagnosed it is hard for me to believe what any of these doctors actually knows around here.

The frustration will continue and every day is a day closer to an unknown day in the future when hopefully I can be normal again. Five simple words grace my thoughts so much lately. I want my life back.

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