Sunday, December 21, 2008

Follow-Up Appointment

Four weeks and four days in the boot. Tomorrow morning I head back to the doctor to find out what happens next.

I have hesitated to post on the blog for fear of jinxing myself as I had read back over several posts and information I shared turned out to be incorrect or false in regards to how I was feeling and what was actually wrong. So I have done nothing but follow doctor orders and tried to stay upbeat, positive and realistic. Of the three, I believe realistic has been the hardest. It's hard to know what is going on with my foot from day to day.

I do know I'm tired of being this way and I hope for at least a sliver of good news tomorrow. However, without an MRI to get a picture of what is going on, I doubt that good news is really possible just yet. In fact, I wonder what tomorrow will really accomplish besides paying another $20 co-pay. The wonders of modern medicine. Stay tuned...


Tim said...

Hang in there Vinny!

Oh...and try to have a Merry Christmas too!


Vince said...

Oddly enough, I'm holding up fairly well mentally. I've cut out about 1,000 calories/day and have maintained my weight for the most part. By far, though, this is tougher mentally than running an actual marathon if you can believe it. I have hope. And for now, that's enough.

Merry Xmas to you too.