Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Birthday America; Farewell Hollidaysburg YMCA

I wasn't sure I wanted to muddy the Independence Day celebration with a complaint about a local race organizer, but since both took place today I figured, why not?

First, lest we forget the sacrifice of many Americans in the fight for our independence as a country. For over 200 years we have since become the greatest nation in the world. Faults? Sure. Issues? Sure. But We The People will stand the test of time. A solemn remembrance, a hearty thank you and another birthday for the grand ol' gal, America. Happy Birthday.

Now onto number two. I ran the Hollidaysburg YMCA race (15k) again today for the third consecutive year and with each passing year it seems as though the organization suffers more and more. You may recall last year I posted about this race complete with pictures of the race shirt, award and bib. Well, today I cannot do that. Despite a 1:07:00 finish time (fairly impressive by normal standards), I walked away after paying $21 (a high race fee if you ask me) for nothing more than the privilege of running the streets of Altoona. I was finally able to secure a race bib afterward to put among my collection but no t-shirt and despite my time I only placed 5th in my age group. Still, to run out of water is inexcusable. To not have a packet together for someone who "pre-registered" is inexcusable. Either way, my days of running the Hollidaysburg YMCA 15k on the 4th of July have come to an end. I still don't know why I ever stopped running the Rolling Rock 5-mile run in Latrobe over the 4th of July weekend. It seems as though that's where I'm heading back to next year. Farewell Hollidaysburg Y. You've joined the ranks of the Johnstown YMCA in my heart.

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