Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Event

With the passing of the Pittsburgh "Half" Marathon for me, I have had a week to reflect back on not only that event, but the past 6+ years. And after thinking about all that I've done thus far with my running I have realized something. Running and all things associated with it are things that I crave. The better health, the ability to control my weight, the overall general good feeling that it brings. But it also brings with it collateral damage from time to time. And althought those times bring struggles with it, I still cannot help but feel that it is well worth it. Nowhere is that more evident than at a large race. I hadn't been to a "large" race since I ran the Philadelphia Marathon in November of 2007. I've done some "larger" races, but there truly is nothing like the big city events. Going into the expo and seeing all of the people who have this commonality among them. There really is nothing like it. Seeing thousands of runners converging on one place for an annual event brings out all of those feelings felt throughout the year as to why you do this. It's an air, a feeling that I have a hard time describing. The race is the event, but all of the outlying associated events are what makes it special. It's a 2-3 day event that celebrates the city in which the race is held. I felt that feeling last weekend in Pittsburgh again. The same feeling that I've felt getting ready to run 26.2 miles is the same feeling that had me toeing the line last week with disappointment and feelings of sadness. My nightmare issue(s) continued that began over 6 months ago. I re-lived the feelings of hopelessness and an inability to do something I love to do. But to be at the event once again and fight my way through the half is rewarding in its own way and gave me the motivation I need to press forward. In five months I will hopefully toe the starting line once again. But it's the few days leading up to it and the feeling you get afterward that I crave so badly. It is what carries me through these troubled times. An eye on the prize, so to speak. A vision of a greater day that lies ahead in the not too distant future. Hope. It is alive and well. I only hope that my body follows along soon. I'm sure it will, but it's been a long road back and the twists and turns continue. Fortunately, I've got an event to look forward to that will help carry me through the tough times this summer.

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