Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Post For Posting

Not much to report at this point. Foot is still in improvement mode, and although I'm getting more active and used to being on my feet all day, I'm clearly still not 100%.

Running? Yes, a little. More like light jogging and not for much in terms of mileage. I feel as close as I've been in a long time. It's been a horrible winter and as the weather is improving, my spirits, my foot and my hope for the near future improves with it.


Tim said...

glad to hear you are feeling better...I know you'll be running this summer...I'll probably see you at the 4th of July Race in Altoona! You need to defend your age group award placing....

Hey you might want to look into selling your bid number for Pittsburgh...they closed down the registration and lots of people are upset and searching for bibs.

I got in just in time...


Vince said...

I dropped back to the half marathon for no fee. I'm going to see if I can give it a go. Obviously not race it, but "jog" it. I've got 6 weeks to get ready.

Tim said...

Cool....hopefully I'll see you there. I'm running with a group from the Hollidaysburg YMCA...there are about 15 people all doing the full or the half.