Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Some Post-Johnstown Wrap Up

Figured I'd post some Johnstown photos as I wait for the pain in my legs to subside enough to start running again. And posting...

This was the "group" photo taken prior to the start at the top of the Inclined Plane. Judging from the finishers I don't think everyone was present for said photo.

One of my marathon traditions. A quick pre-race photo. It wasn't raining, it was just awful foggy and chilly with temperatures hovering around 39 degrees.
And we're off!
26.199 miles later, I barely had enough energy to raise my arms. About a second later I cross in 3:33:05. The fog had burned off and to my dismay, the sun had obviously come out; around mile 17.

A final photo before heading home for the day. Small irony in that I finished in Point Stadium and although the home run record stands at 73, it stood forever at 61.....my race bib.

Pictured are my race finisher's medal, race bib and my 3rd place age group award. The age group award totally shocked me. I still don't look at 3 1/2 hours as being anywhere near fast. BUt I suppose on this day it was.


Karsten said...

Hi Vince-- Found this blog post via Google Blog Search. While I was strolling around the finish area, I actually got a couple photos of you as you approached the finish line! If you want me to e-mail them to you, just send me an e-mail and I'll be happy to do so. I'll even overlook your Penguins fandom (what with me being a Caps fan and all). :)

Congratulations on your finish and on your award! It was a great day for running, even if this year's course was actually about a third of a mile short. (Sadly, it's true.)

Vince said...


Really? Did you have a GPS? How did you determine that the course was short?

Tim said...

uh-oh Vinny....does that mean you won't count it now?

(just kidding)


Bert said...

Good run Vince, congratulations on the 3rd place finish & award. Well earned on the day. Just over 8 minute/mile pace is pretty fast!