Monday, September 15, 2008

I Got Nothin'

I think I might have had this title before. It's been one of those periods where I'm extremely busy at work and with school and have had little time for writing. I enjoy writing and keeping up with this blog, but I'm just in one of those periods. So rather than have weeks go by without writing anything I thought I'd better write something. And like my weekend of running, I got nothin'.

Friday night I came home from work and continued to put in some hours on a major project I'm proposing at work. Ended up working until close to midnight. With a pair of hockey games on Saturday and then a trip to Youngstown, OH for my level 4 officiating certification seminar yesterday I almost forced myself into some rest. I've been sluggish on the roads lately so it was a bit of a blessing in disguise. Even though I had planned on doing a 20 miler this past weekend I was uncertain as late as Thursday whether or not I would actually do it. With my type-A personality, turns out that sometimes these things take care of themselves. I got back on track today with my normal 5-miler and I'm still sluggish. But then again, I am skating again so it happens.

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