Friday, September 26, 2008


Every year I set out with the intention of running 1,000 miles. To some runners, that may not seem like a lot, but I have always been a lower-mileage guy. To some runners, 1,000 might seem like a lot. To each their own.

This morning I crossed the 700 mile mark for the year with 13 1/2 weeks remaining in the year. I'm confident that I will be able to reach my mark this year barring unforeseen injury.

I always think I could and should run more, but I suppose that's what 2009 is for.


Bert said...

Vin, hi

Good job on passing 700 miles. It is 700 miles more than most people run. Good luck with the remaining 300 for the year!

PS: how about those Phillies, one more win and they will be in the NLCS vs (likely) the Dodgers. Nice to have some new teams in the playoffs this year.

Vince said...

Thanks. I picked the Phillies in late July. I thought they had pitching depth. We'll see.