Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Slackin' But Still Here

I think I might have gone the longest stretch ever without a post. Guess I haven't had much to say. Things are kind of muddling along. This is always a very tough time of year. Overcoming the cold is even tougher when the hockey games mean more and tensions run high. Toss in the fact that work has been really busy and very difficult and I suppose I can begin to understand why I feel as if I'm in a funk.

Without running the risk of jinxing myself, I can say that at least my running has been consistent with very few hitches (I hope that doesn't come back to haunt me). My mileage has been low, but consistent. I haven't had many difficulties in terms of injuries. Minor aches and pains associated with refereeing and the normal wear and tear that running does. Otherwise, I've been lucky.

Things are about to change. They will be intensifying. Yes, I've done some speedwork the past couple of weeks. And my Sunday long runs will increase over the next few weeks (did 9 this past Sunday). With just over 12 1/2 weeks until the big day, I will also be refereeing consistently over the next 4-5 of those weeks, with the season potentially going on over the next 7 weeks (depending on playoff assignments). I normally live for this time of year. I guess I just need to get to the end of this month. That is what I'm waiting for.

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