Friday, February 22, 2008

Hot Toddy!!

No, I'm not suddenly gay. I found a home remedy online today that I'm going to give a shot. A hot toddy is comprised of 1/4 cup of honey and two squeezed lemons boiled slowly. Toss in a double shot of Captain Morgan's or some of your other favorite rum or whiskey and supposedly the relief is to be amazing.

So I hit the liquor store today, then the grocery store and came home with a new plan. The over the counter experiments are over and this is my final ditch effort before bringing in the big guns (my doctor).

Armed with this new remedy in mind and a somewhat improved sense of well being, I hit the treadmill after work for a quick 4-miler. Finally, back to running. I almost waited until Sunday and hope that I don't regret this run tomorrow morning. Then again, if I do regret it how will I know it will be from the run? It could also be the rum. Guess I'll have to wait and see. Now I can say, as the commercial claims, "got a little Captain in me".


Tim said...

Vinny, just happened to look at your blog and I also happen to be sitting in my easy chair (just got done watching the Pens lose in OT)and I'm drinking what I fondly refer to as a "Giant Rum and Coke". Of course I only use Cap't Mo Spiced Rum. I was supposed to run 4 miles today and I was planning on trying an 8-miler tomorrow but I woke up yesterday morning with a bad sore throat and a deep chest, I decided I better rest for the weekend and try to kick the germs out of me with rum! Let me know how the hot toddy works!


Vince said...

Worked out alright. Tasted horrible (I think I used too much honey and not enough alcohol). Either way, I improved greatly over the weekend and was able to get a 10 miler in yesterday and am back on a decent track.