Monday, November 19, 2007


Where to even begin with this one. Such a wonderful event that leaves me feeling so empty.

I ran the Philadelphia Marathon on Sunday. The weather was perfect. Forty degree temps. with a light misty rain on and off. A bit windier than I would have liked, but not all that bad. Immediately within the first 4-8 miles I knew I was going to have a shot at a Boston Qualifier. It really hit me when I passed the 16 mile mark in under Boston time. By mile 24, I was preparing for a trip to Boston.

Unfortunately, I didn't really hit the wall, but I was close. My legs got pretty wiped out in the final mile or so. The last 200 yards of this race had me pushing with everything I had in a desperate attempt to come in under my BQ time, including the one minute cushion that the Boston Athletic Association gives you. For me, that meant completing a marathon in 3:15:59 or less.

Rounding the final corner, I pushed as hard as I could and upon crossing the line, my watch showed 3:16:02. A tense seven hours had me wondering if perhaps I clicked my watch a bit early or late at the start or finish line. In my heart I knew I didn't make it, but upon checking the website last evening shortly after 5:30 p.m. I saw what I knew all along. I missed it. By 0:04 seconds.

I will absorb this over the next few days. I know this won't stop me, but it hurts me. I feel like I missed a golden opportunity. I have so many thoughts, but I'm going to feel bad for a few days. I earned that right. Then I'll figure out where I'm going to qualify. Too many cliches, but the one I keep thinking of is, "nothing ventured, nothing gained".

I PR'ed again, but right now that hardly matters.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I recently discovered your blog. Your times are dropping very fast. It is fantastic. I am sure you will run a BQ.

I ran the Frederick half in the inaugural year. The course was not very hilly. It did have a few minor rolling hills.
