Wednesday, October 3, 2007

All Funked Up

Haven't posted for over a week. Thought I should at least post something. Ironically enough, the reason I haven't been on as much is because of my schedule. Which is all funked up.

Hockey has started, and combined with teaching classes, other responsibilities and working through several injuries this year it has been a weird period of time.

I have a marathon to run in less than seven weeks, and I am nowhere near the mileage numbers I need. I have also not had much speedwork. I remember now why I don't run "late" fall marathons or "early" spring marathons.

Unlike my previous marathon runs, I have no idea where I stand other than I know I'm running my shorter runs at a much faster pace. It doesn't stand to reason, but I'll go with it.

I'm almost not looking forward to a marathon for the first time, yet I want to do it. I know. All funked up.

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