Monday, August 23, 2010

Taking the Plunge; An Announcement Forthcoming

I decided last week that my knee/quad pain was enough. I took the plunge and began physical therapy. Although it hurt, it helped. And yesterday I was able to bike and get back on the treadmill for a 2-miler. I'm starting back to baby steps, but with just under eight months to go, I've got plenty of time. I need to be smart and take it slow and be careful. Tomorrow marks my second PT appointment and I am actually looking forward to it.

On another note, I am going to be making an announcement here and on my facebook page in the next few weeks concerning my Boston Marathon experience. I will pass along that information by Labor Day or the week after. I am awaiting some information regarding this announcement that is out of my control. It's a rather exciting adventure that will only enhance the Boston experience so stay tuned.


Tim said...

are you doing the ART therapy again for your tendonitis? I am training for the Niagara Falls marathong in October and my knee has been killing me....thinking about trying ART but I don't like the idea of driving the whole way to J-town for it. I don't think anyone does it in Altoona.


Vince said...

Actually, I'm getting physical therapy. It's tendinitis (bad). 2 treatments and I'm seeing progress. Running on the treamill again. ART is great. It's worth the trip.