Monday, June 21, 2010

The Long Slow Road

Nine months and 27 days. That's how long it is until Boston. As I hit the road today for a ten miler (the one I should have done yesterday), I realized just how far off in the distance that seems. Even though I have a very busy summer and fall racing schedule of varying distances it still seems such a long way off.

As I struggled in the heat and humidity today and thought about the future so much is uncertain. I am not guaranteed of anything except being qualified for the 115th Boston Marathon. I still need to register, get accepted and then make it to race day. Lately I've struggled with my motivation, my energy levels and my overall running. Despite those struggles I continue to put up great race times. But it's all the days in between that feel like a very heavy burden.

No workout, no run seems to come easy to me anymore. It's almost the complete opposite of last summer and early fall as I prepared to run Chicago. And then I was overcoming a broken navicular bone and dealing with coming back into form. Oh, how I long for the feelings I had back then. I'm pretty sure I can get it back but for now it's a massive struggle to get myself out the door and running. It's an intense debate with myself to get moving on my lifting workouts. It's an overall struggle to deal with the heat of summer.

Like I learned last year, I truly hate the heat and humidity. I love summer, but for other reasons. I cannot stand it for running. Everything seems to be 1,000 pounds heavier this time of year. The long haul continues and I honestly look forward to those cool September and mornings to return.

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