Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Like the great Jerry Lewis once penned...."I'm walkin', yes indeed..."

My appointment resulted in the loss of my walking boot which was a bit of relief, but also a bit of terror. How could I possibly begin walking on this thing? That was my thought after Doc nearly put his thumb through the bone that was broken. He was confident enough to let me out of the cursed boot and told me to start walkin'. So that's what I've been doing. Walking. Or some version of it anyway. I still get some sensitivity and pain in the foot, but I'm trusting that he knows more than me and have begun walking. I'm guessing I've got some strength building that needs to take place and even though I have no immediate plans to skate or run, I am walkin'.

So far, it's one of the best presents I've gotten for Xmas. I'm tentative and scared, but in the first 24 hours or so I am gaining millimeters of confidence. It took awhile to heal the bone, and I'm guessing my psyche will also need some time.

My only plans so far include finding a comfortable pair of shoes and the right insoles to wear and to take a walk outside on Christmas Day.

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