Sunday, July 13, 2008


It took three years and nearly eight months, but my longest standing PR (not counting my half-marathon PR which was set over four years ago....but it's my only half marathon to date so I don't count it), finally went down this evening!

One of the biggest hurdles I've faced since November 20, 2004, when I set my 5k PR of 20:04 in the Somerset Turkey Trot, was finally eclipsed tonight. In that time I have run eighteen 5k races and got to within 0:08, 0:12 and 0:14 of tying the old mark. This year alone I posted a 20:52 and 20:41 but it was looking to me like I'd never beat my 20:04. In the back of my mind I have not only wanted to get a new 5k PR, but I've wanted to break that 20:00 barrier.

Despite some difficult humid conditions and a temperature of 80 degrees I went out to a fairly fast pace and although the splits weren't negative, I felt strong enough and composed myself when fatigue began setting in to will my way to not only a new PR, but a smashing of the old mark and finally eclipse the 20:00 barrier. My 19:49 in the Hoodlebug 5k in Homer City might stand longer than the previous mark, but then again it might not.

In the final half mile I felt my legs begin to wobble and my desire waning. But I knew I was close and did not want to live through a Philadelphia incident again. As I approached the finish line and saw that a sub-20:00 was inevitable I had to smile and tonight it has not yet left my face. A hard earned PR that I will attempt to break in just six days as I head back to Indiana County for the Citizens Helping Citizens 5k (if you're keeping track, last year I did a 20:18 in that race). All I need to do is 30 seconds better and I'll set another PR.

Can I ever get a sub-19:00? Doubt it, but I'll keep on trying. And who knows......

1 comment:

Tim said...

Congrats Vinny,
Wow that's fast! I'll buy you a beer if you can break 19:00 flat!
